A Systematic Review of Parental Self-Efficacy in Parents of Autistic Children (2024)


20 August 2024

Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev. 2024 Aug 19. doi: 10.1007/s10567-024-00495-2. Online ahead of print.


Parental self-efficacy (PSE) assesses a parent’s expectations and beliefs about their ability to effectively parent their child. PSE has implications for a parent’s well-being, parenting practices, mental health, the parent-child relationship, and child adjustment. While PSE has been extensively examined within the broader parenting literature, the examination of PSE specifically for parents of autistic children has gained increasing attention in recent years. The following systematic review aimed to investigate the role of PSE for parents of autistic children by examining variables that predict PSE or are predicted by PSE in relation to how they align with the broader parenting literature and are unique to autism. Utilizing PRISMA guidelines, peer-reviewed articles were included if (a) participants included caregivers of autistic children, (b) at least one quantitative outcome measure of PSE was utilized, and (c) the role of PSE was examined as an outcome, predictor, or variable in an explanatory model. A total of 53 studies were included in the review and the role of PSE was examined regarding family (e.g., parental characteristics, parent stress, well-being, and support) and child factors (e.g., autism symptomology, problem behaviors, interventions). Several themes emerged including a positive relationship between PSE and support, and a negative relationship between PSE and parenting stress, parent mental health outcomes (e.g., anxiety, depression), and autism symptomology. Findings were compared to the broader parenting and PSE literature to examine how increased considerations and challenges (e.g., child problem behaviors, social impairment, and caregiver strain) associated with raising an autistic child might impact PSE.

PMID:39160428 | DOI:10.1007/s10567-024-00495-2

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A Systematic Review of Parental Self-Efficacy in Parents of Autistic Children (2024)


What is the autism specific parenting self-efficacy scale? ›

Autism-Specific Parenting Self-Efficacy Scale

The PSEaS assesses parents' confidence in parenting a child with ASD. It consists of 17 items on a 5-point Likert scale from 1 to 5, with a higher score suggesting higher confidence (Kurzrok et al., 2021).

What are the struggles of parents with autistic children? ›

In fact, parents of autistic children report that they experience more depression, anxiety, and stress-related health problems than other parents. Parental stress has also been associated with marital distress, less effective parenting, and dropping out of treatment. Why is this?

What is parental self-efficacy? ›

Parental self-efficacy (PSE) “describes a parent's belief in their ability to perform the parenting role successfully. Higher levels of PSE have consistently been shown to be correlated with a wide range of parenting and child outcomes. Consequently, many parenting interventions aim to improve PSE”. (

What are the predictors of parental self-efficacy? ›

Parents' age, ethnicity, and gender were significant predictors of PSE, although there were some mixed findings. Older parental age was found to be associated with higher levels of PSE in a sample including mostly mothers (Carless et al., 2015). Regarding parents' gender, the few existing studies show mixed results.

What parenting style is self-efficacy? ›

The authoritative parenting style was significantly associated with self-efficacy while authoritarian parenting style and permissive parenting style were not correlated with self-efficacy.

What is the self-efficacy questionnaire for children? ›

Definition: The Self-Efficacy Questionnaire for Children (SEQ-C) includes three 8-item scales that measure academic, social, and emotional self-efficacy. The academic self-efficacy scale includes questions about the person's perception of achieving academic goals.

Do autistic children love their mother? ›

Autistic children love their parents

You may have to learn to see how your child expresses affection and not take it personally if your child doesn't show affection in the way that typical children do.

What are autistic people like as parents? ›

Parents on the autism spectrum often deal with challenges that are related to their autism. - Parents on the autism spectrum may not have extensive social networks, and may not be comfortable dealing with the array of social communication that is often part of everyday parenting.

How does having an autistic parent affect children? ›

Growing up with an autistic parent can be really positive. It can also sometimes be lonely and confusing, especially if your parent sometimes has meltdowns. You may be angry that your friends' parents are different to yours and feel that this is unfair.

What are the stressors of parents of children with autism? ›

Parenting an autistic child increases stress levels beyond those of parents of allistic children. The need for constant vigilance, financial burdens associated with therapy costs, sleep deprivation, and managing challenging behaviors can all contribute to increased parental stress levels.

What is it like to parent a child with autism? ›

Parents can struggle with grief, sadness, anger, and hopelessness. They may fear for their safety and the safety of their children. Constantly navigating health care systems and insurance companies requires immense time, energy, and money, leading to exhaustion and financial pressures.

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An autistic partner can be extraordinarily single-minded and egocentric about certain topics, and it is important to keep in mind that they are not being selfish, they are demonstrating difficulties with “theory of mind” or perspective-taking, because of their different neurology.

What is the SSES self-efficacy scale? ›

The Strengths Self-Efficacy scale (SSES) was developed to allow career counselors, educators, and researchers to assess individuals' perceived abilities to build their personal strengths and apply them in their daily life.

What is the autism specific rating scale? ›

It is done by your primary healthcare provider, a teacher, or a parent by rating the child's behaviors from 1 to 4. 1 being normal for your child's age, 2 for mildly abnormal, 3 for moderately abnormal, and 4 as severely abnormal. Scores range from 15 to 60 with 30 being the cutoff rate for a diagnosis of mild autism.

What does the parenting scale measure? ›


All 30 items are scored on a 7 point scale, with low scores indicating good parenting and high scores indicating dysfunctional parenting. There are three factors on the Parenting Scale: Laxness (LX), Over-reactivity (OR), and Hostility (HS).

What is the autism Parenting Stress Index scale? ›

Type of Measure: The Autism Parenting Stress Index (APSI) is tool is a measure of parental stress as perceived by parents/guardians of young children with autism. If reflects the physical, social, and communication barriers imposed by the disability.

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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.