DOCKET NO. di ft “V Ue 0 é 3 06 SUPERIOR COURT Cinta com~nd5 P HOUSING SESSION(LANDLORD/PLAINTIFF)Vv AT BRIDGEPORT Jef FE(TENANT/DEFENDANT) plerre-chel 524-2023 (DATE) APPLICATION FOR EX PARTE TEMPORARY INJUNCTION Pursuant to C.G.S. '52-471 et seq., the defendant/tenant. def F fl ote al S in this summary process action asks this court to prohibit theplaintiff from executing upon the judgment until the court hears and decides theaccompanying Motion to Quash Execution/Motion to Open Judgment or until furtherorder of the court, and in support of this Application states the following 1 The defendant has been notified that he/she/they will be evicted from his/her/their home by the plaintiff+s agent on or after Sat. no aoe (Date and Time of Eviction) . MAL, 2. For the following reasons, unless the requested relief is granted, the defendantwill suffer irreparable harm for which there is no adequate remedy at law. [check all that are true] 9 The defendant has no other safe, adequate, and affordable place to live. 3 eS and/or cannot move before the date set for eviction. oo mea uo OOM ape9 The defendant suffers from a disability that makes it difficult to locate replacement housing. 9 The defendant lives in government-subsidized housing and may lose the subsidy if evicted. 9 The health of the defendant or a member of the defendant=s family would be in danger if forced to move. In particular: Lite sido Smail ctittrrs ne $9R (Yea old - 1 mse}? her aw SPH service Ashtma 9 [Other] _( rceetie fendig Frory waltal_ ¢F by Caper Bate ler? 3. If the defendant failed to appear at a court hearing, the reason was Hal ZerQ Access 10 Proll due 10 Landird Hever aig g Arecess 1 me/1 cox veer Pecived Cort dete THE DEFENDANT, Signhture of Tenant elekE phere —Chorfes Applicant Name di chinfon , Ave, Bellgerr ty 20__at 2273 » Connecticut. Hcysar Coun ClerkMssistant Cler ki Commissioner of the SsDOCKET NO. SUPERIOR COURT HOUSING SESSION(LANDLORD/PLAINTIFF)Vv. AT BRIDGEPORT(TENANT/DEFENDANT) (DATE) CERTIFICATION INTO COURT The accompanying Application for Ex Parte Temporary Injunction made to me inthe above-entitled action, and proceedings thereon, are hereby certified to the Court.Practice Book '20-2. Dated at bY » Connecticut, this BI aay LM.of 2983. B COURT Judge/Assistant Clerk PDOCKET NO. SUPERIOR COURT HOUSING SESSION(LANDLORD/PLAINTIFF) AT BRIDGEPORT(TENANT/DEFENDANT) (DATE) CERTIFICATION RE: NOTICE TO OPPOSING PARTY/COUNSEL I hereby certify that at o=clock, on » 20_. O I notified (name of landlord or Tandlord=3 attorney)of my intention to present this Application for Order to Enjoin Execution and requestedtheir fax number. OT attempted to notify (name of landlord or landlord=s lawyer)of my intention to present this Application for Order to Enjoin Execution but (reason why attempt not successful). ~ O The landlord or landlord=s attorney said the Application may/may not (circleone) be granted by agreement. O The landlord or landlord=s attorney said that he or she wants/does not want(circle one) to come to court to object in person to the Application.OI presented a copy of this Application to the landlord/landlord=s attorney byfax . OI was unable to present a copy of this Application to the landlord/landlord=sattorney because I could not find a fax number or they do not have a fax number. THE DEFENDANT, Signature of Tenant Appili cant Name Street Address City, State and Zip Code TelephoneDOCKET NO. SUPERIOR COURT HOUSING SESSION(LANDLORD/PLAINTIFF)Vv. AT BRIDGEPORT(TENANT/DEFENDANT) (DATE) MOTION FOR WAIVER OF BOND The defendant in this action moves that the Court waive the posting of bond, aspermitted by C.G.S. Sec. 52-472, for the following reasons: 1. The plaintiff will suffer no irreparable harm from the granting of the reliefTequested. 2. The defendant lacks the assets with which to post bond and will otherwise beunable to prosecute this writ, and will therefore be forced to suffer and endure irreparableharm. THE DEFENDANT, Signature of Tenant Applicant Name Street. Address City, State and Zip Code TelephoneORDER The foregoing Motion having been considered by the Court, it is herebyORDERED: GRANTED/DENIED. BY THE COURT, JUDGE/CLERK/ASSISTANT CLERK CERTIFICATION OF SERVICE OF MOTION Thereby state that a copy of the foregoing was faxed this day of .20. to all appearing parties or their counsel, including the following: DEFENDANT ~ Signature of Tenant, This Court will hold a hearing at on the day of.20 , to consider whether this order should be continued and whether other ordersshould issue as law and equity require. Dated at Connecticut, this day of20. — JudgeDOCKET NO. SUPERIOR COURT HOUSING SESSION(LANDLORD/PLAINTIFF)Vv. AT BRIDGEPORT(TENANT/DEFENDANT) (DATE) ORDER OF SERVICE OF TEMPORARY INJUNCTION TO ANY PROPER OFFICER: BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT, you are hereby commanded to make due service by leaving a true and attested copy of the accompanyingTemporary Injunction with or at the usual place of abode of the plaintiff and due returnmake. Ordered at > Connecticut, this day of» 20, __: BY THE COURT Judge -DOCKET NO. SUPERIOR COURT HOUSING SESSION(LANDLORD/PLAINTIFF)Vv. AT BRIDGEPORT(TENANT/DEFENDANT) (DATE) MOTION TO QUASH EXECUTION (AUDITA QUERELA) The defendant £ £ ferr 0 Che S hereby moves for an order (Name of Tenant) (in the nature of a writ of audita querela) to quash an execution issued upon the judgment in this summary process action, and in support of this motion states the following: 1. The plaintiff has obtained a judgment against the defendant in this action andan execution has been issued by the court. 2. For the following reasons, the plaintiff should not be allowed to evict thedefendant: ) [Check all applicable reasons and write in any others] 9 After the date of. judgment, the parties made a new agreement that allows thedefendant to stay. 9 After the date of judgment, the plaintift accepted rent from the defendant. 9 The defendant is willing and able to pay all of the arrearage owed to the plaintiff. 9 Any violation of the rental agreement by the defendant has been or can bepromptly remedied. 9 The defendant lives in government-subsidized housing and may lose the subsidyif evicted. 9 The defendant has no suitable place to live if evicted. 9 Other 9 [If judgment was by default for failure to appear/plead/appear at trial] Thedefendant did not appear/plead/appear at trial because: THE DEFENDANT, V2 E Sighatube & Tenant DAK Plarce hate Applicant Name ql chintoa ave) Betlepory- Street Address Arvtyero | cf 06605 City, State and Zip Code 203 ~SF3~Uof Telephone ORDERTo Connecticut housing Authority/ Judge / Housing court+ New courting hearing/new court date requestGood afternoon my name is Jeff Pierre Charles and im a current tendant at Clinton commons 91 clinton ave,Bridgeport, ct and im contacting the court today because im being served with a eviction due to non payment. Me andmy family fell into extreme hardship over the months but now we’re back on track. | been working hard with my formalproperty manager ken and united CT eviction prevention program to get back on track and good standings with lease. |have been awarded and approve from the program money to pay my back rent. | was instructed to bring all mydocuments to my court summons problems is | never received a court date because | never received my mail due to menever having access to my mailroom. The property was suppose to order my keys never did. My the property managerdid his best to periodically bring important mail to my door from time to time while he was ordering my key for thebuilding but still having received my key it till this day. This lead me to not receive all my important document | neededto stay on top of the status of the case as well make it to the court dates:1 needed to come to to bring all the documentsfrom UNITEDCT stating | was approved for the back rent assistant program as well | received a failure to a appear as welldue to the negligence of property manager never giving me access to my mail | missed court dates and had stacked uppiles of mail from the court, CT housing , failure to appear doc, Marshall letter the list go on attached to the request |attached documents from United CT , emails from property manager, email of a work order to finally get me keys to mailroom after months of me and my kids living there which was just submitted may 24, 2023 im asking for the court togrant me another hearing/ court date so | can bring all documents I/was suppose to bring from the missed court dates |was un aware of. | got access to my missed mail when | was trying to contact ken for weeks about the status court dateand mail like he been doing but | lost contact because he suddenly resigned a month ago | was unaware up until lastweek which also lead to me never receiving my mail he used to bring to my door. | was dealt a unfair hand due to thecirc*mstances. I need a opportunity and fighting chance to try to working something out with Clinton commons to keepa home form me and my two kids and not become homeless. My income is steady now and | have the funding fromunitedct to pay them. | just need a chance to mediate with them and have a fair chance to fight for my home for me andmy kidsFor reference: Case doc # BPH — cv-23-60128065Defendant / tendantJeff Pierre Charles203-543-2108DocuSign Envelope !D: 7FF54467-8DF6-4098-86E8-B3B22EB83415 ¢€ JuInMIpiac UNIVERSITY School of Law Homelessness Mitigation Mediation Project 370 Bassett Road North Haven, Connecticut 06473 This Mediation Agreement is between Clinton Commons Owners, LLC (Plaintiff/Landlord) and Jeff Pierre-Charles (Defendant/Tenant) Date: April 13, 2023 1 The purpose of the Connecticut Department of Housing’s (DOH) Eviction Prevention Program (EPF) is to stabilize the housing of qualifying individuals and families at risk of eviction. The program intends to prevent homelessness and help maintain housing for Participants for twelve (12) months from the date of this mediated Agreement. 2. All Connecticut DOH UniteCT Eviction Prevention Fund and/or Rent Bank Program(s) payment(s) are based on funding availability. If funding becomes unavailable and/or is deemed not payable to the Plaintiff/Landlord, Clinton Commons Owners, LLC, the Defendant/Tenant, Jeff Pierre-Charles, will be responsible for paying the amount that is owed and for making payment arrangements with the Plaintiff/Landlord. The Plaintiff/Landlord, hereinafter referred to as Landlord, and the Defendant/Tenant, hereinafter referred to as Tenant. The Tenant is attesting to the accuracy of the household income. If, at any time, the DOH determines that the household income is above 80% AMI OR that the household has received the maximum allowable UniteCT assistance, OR that they do not meet other eligibility criteria, they will be determined ineligible for UniteCT Program funds. The Landlord and the Tenant must submit all the required and requested paperwork to the Connecticut DOH before the committed funds in paragraph 9 (nine) are released to the Landlord on behalf of the Tenant. The written documentation due from the Landlord and Tenant shall consist of a signed statement (arrearage form provided by DOH) that indicates the dates, specific months, and the amounts owed for these months. The Tenant’s payments and/or copies of receipts or ledgers can also be attached to the arrearage form. If additional information is needed to document the Tenant’s arrearage and its accuracy, it shall be at the discretion of the Connecticut DOH to request such information. ‘ Plaintiff/Landlord Initials KID Deféndant/Tenant Initials| beeDocuSign Envelope ID: 7FF54467-8DF6-4098-86E8-B3B22EB83415 5. Upon satisfaction of the terms of this Agreement, the landlord-tenant relationship shall be re-established, whether by the signing of a lease, the fulfillment of a court-ordered reinstatement, or other Agreement between the parties. A copy of this Agreement and the information contained in it shall be made available to the following agencies: the Connecticut DOH and its affiliating agencies for the purposes of the administration of its programs. The Homelessness Mitigation Mediation Program (HMMP) may also provide a copy of this Agreement to the Connecticut Judicial Housing Court and the presiding Judge upon the Court's request. 1 It is the intention of the Tenant, Jeff Pierre-Charles, and the Landlord, Clinton Commons Oyners, LLC, for the Tenant to remain in the dwelling unit located at 91 Clinton Avenue, Unit 102, Bridgeport, CT 06605, for at least twelve months from the date of this Agreement. Ken Douglas is authorized to enter into this Agreement for the Landlord. As of the date of this Agreement, the Tenant and the Landlord agree to the following a. The Tenant owes the Landlord an overall balance of $8,091.59. b. The above amount includes the following: i, Rental Arrearage: $7,232.30. ii. Other Fees and Costs (Legal Fees): $859.29. c. The Landlord agrees to forgive/waive all late fees accrued prior to the date of this Agreement in the amount of $50.00. 9. The Connecticut DOH UniteCT Eviction Prevention Fund and/or Rent Bank Program(s) agree to pay the Landlord the amount of $7,232.30 (seven thousand two hundred and thirty-two dollars and thirty cents) for the Tenant’s rental arrearage. This Agreement and the acceptance of the funds that have been committed by the Connecticut Department of Housing’s Eviction Prevention Fund and/or Rent Bank Program(s) payment(s) do not reinstate the Tenant’s tenancy. The Tenant understands that failure to adhere to the terms of this Agreement could result in the Landlord advising the Court of the non-compliance, and this could result in an execution/eviction. If all provisions of the terms and conditions of the Agreement aare satisfied, the Tenant shall be reinstated as a Tenant in good standing. 10 The Tenant agrees to pay the Landlord the remaining balance of the arrears in the amount of $859.29. Repayment of the remaining balance of arrears will begin in May 2023 and continue through March 2024. Plaintiff/Landlord Initials Ab Defendant/Tenant Initials| 4° <DocuSign Envelope {D: 7FF54467-8DF6-4098-86E8-B3B22EB83415 a. These payments will be due on or before the 10th of each month noted above and below and must be received no later than the due date above. It is agreed that the payments will be $80.00 per month beginning May 2023-February 2024 (totaling $800.00). The last payment of $59.29 will be due March 2024 (totaling ($859.29). Payments will be made by money order and remitted to the Landlord by placing them in the drop box located at 1235 Huntington Turnpike, Trumbull, CT 06611. The Tenant shall make all future payments to the Landlord on the agreed-upon dates and in good funds. 11. The Tenant and the Landlord agree that the current monthly use and occupancy payment is $1,449.00, due on the 1% of each month commencing May 1, 2023, with a nine-day graci period, to be received no later than the 10" of each month. a. Use and Occupancy payments shall be made in the form of a money order and remitted to the Landlord by placing them in the drop box located at 1235 Huntington Turnpike, Trumbull, CT 06611. The Tenant shall make all future payments to the Landlord on the agreed-upon dates and in good funds. Use and occupancy payments are subject to change upon renewal of the lease or,if applicable, recertification of any rental assistance program. The Tenant must submit the recertification packet to the Landlord no later than August 1, 2023. The Tenant must drop off the recertification packet at the Management Office located at 91 Clinton Avenue, Bridgeport, CT 06605. The recertification packet can be slid under the office door. The Tenant shall abide by all terms of any prior written lease, reasonable rules the Landlord may communicate/publicize, and any statutory obligation of a Tenant under Connecticut law. 12. This Agreement, if accepted by the Court, shall be entered as a judgment of the Court, with a non-final stay of execution through March 31, 2024. If the Tenant makes all payments under the terms of this Agreement, they shall be reinstated as a Tenant in good standing on April 1, 2024. This is subject to the Tenant’s full compliance with the terms of this Agreement that shall be entered into as a stipulation. The obligations of the Tenant and Landlord outlined in this Agreement must be complied with. Any non-compliance by the Tenant or Landlord with the Agreement will result in a default of this Agreement. The Landlord and the Tenant are responsible for providing a copy of this Agreement to the Connecticut Judicial Housing Court. 13. The Tenant has been informed that they should not ignore any current or future eviction notices, court notices, or court dates from the Landlord or the Connecticut Judicial Housing Court. 'plaintiff/Landlord Initials RD Defendant/Tenant Initials de “DocuSign Envelope ID: 7FF54467-8DF6-4098-86E8-B3B22EB8341 5 14. The signatures of the Participants hereby acknowledge that Berta Holmes has read aloud and reviewed the terms of this Agreement to the parties that are mentioned above. The signatures below confirm that the parties understood and willingly agreed to the terms of this Agreement. The parties also acknowledge that they were not coerced, swayed, or forced to sign the above Agreement, and their signatures below confirm the parties have agreed to its terms of their own free will. Plaintiff/Landlord initials | K> Defendant/Tenant Initials | J ? cDocuSign Envelope ID: 7FF54467-8DF6-4098-86E8-B3B22EB83415 THE PARTIES: Plaintiff/Landlord: (Agent for Clinton Commons Owners, U0) signature: oa by: 4/13/2023 Date of Signature: seacchcom Douglas Defendant/Tenant: Signature: (halecn. Date of Signature 4/13/2023 FET PEt e-Charles Mediator Homelessness Mitigation Mediation Project HHMMP) DocuSigned by: Signature: | bute Holmes Date of Signature: 4/14/2023 conn t4‘Holmes The above Agreement shall lapse and become null and void if any party fails to sign and return the Agreement to HMMP within 15 calendar days after the mediation. If a lapse occurs, parties will not receive the DOH payment, and the Agreement will have no force or effect. Plaintiff/Landlord Initials KD Defendant/Tenant Initials becDocuSign Envelope ID: 7FF54467-8DF6-4098-86E8-B3B22EB83415 ‘Case Cover Sheet Tenant’s Name: Jeff Pierre-Charles UniteCT Case Number: #606233 Address of Rental Unit: 91 Clinton Avenue, Apartment #102, Bridgeport, CT 06605 Landlord’s Email and Phone Number: kdouglas@ethousingpartners.or8, 475-276-9873 fC 5 Required age Se Paes graph ‘unding “Availability 7 Tenant Eligibility 23 Completion & Submission of Paperwork Arrearage / Repayment Amount 2-3 8-10 Fees Reinstatement of Tenancy / Move-Out Date Document Availability 6 Name / Agency of Entity Submitting the Agreement: Berta Holmes, Director of Mediation Programs at the Homelessness Mitigation Mediation Project at Quinnipiac University Email / Phone Number:, 203-582-7604 All notices and communication concerning the UniteCT Eviction Prevention Fund and/or Rent Bank Program(s) payment(s) funds shall be emailed to the Tenant at: and the Landlord at: If the UniteCT Eviction Prevention Fund and/or Rent Bank Program(s) payment(s) stated in paragraph (9) nine is not received by the Landlord four weeks from the date that all parties sign and return the mediated Agreement, the Landlord must notify Natasha Dhupan via email at: Plaintiff/Landlord Initials KD Defendant/Tenant Initial ue ¢ -. DocuSign Envelope ID: CASDOFBS-EA46-4A80-8F79-334383A1 COSA WORK ORDER BRING SUBMITTED ON MAY 24TH 2023 FOR KEYS FOR MAIL MONTHS AFTER LIV NG THERE STILL WAITING ON KEYS Service Request Created for 1-102. inbox we noreply-OneSiteFacilities May 24 a ooo to Worldtoursounds v Dear jeff Pierre-charles, The service request for service issue #428-1, ‘Other - Please see comments’ was created on 5/24/2023 2:16:00 PM. Your service issue is estimated to be completed by 5/27/2023 2:16:00 PM. Thank you, Clinton Commons 91 Clinton Ave Bridgeport, CT 06605-1728 (203) 359-6940DocuSign Envelope ID: CA3DOFBS-EA46-4A80-8F79-334383A1 CO9A WORK ORDER BRING SUBMITTED ON MAY 24TH 2023 FOR KEYS FOR MAIL MONT HS AFTER LIVING THERE STILL WAITING ON KEYS Service Request Created for 1-102 inbox. * noreply-OneSiteFacilities May 24 a oe to Worldtoursounds v Dear jeff Pierre-charles, The service request for service issue #428-1, ‘Other - Please see comments’ was created on 5/24/2023 2:16:00 PM. Your service issue is estimated to be completed by 5/27/2023 2:16:00 PM. Thank you, Clinton Commons 91 Clinton Ave Bridgeport, CT 06605-1728 (203) 359-6940DocuSign Envelope ID: CAS3DOFB5-EA46-4A80-8F79-334383A1C09A Se PILES OF MONTHS OF IMPORTANT MAIL | NEVER RECEIVED CONCERNING MY HOUSING CASE DUE TO THE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT NEVER GIVING ME ACCESS TO MY MAIL JUST GOT INTO MY MAIL MAY 24TH 2023 STILL DON'T HAVE KEY YET a Ge et BE fi a ge # ts ae ~~ rR: of & Of oem ey mes rea whe a =a ee ARE fbx “s seDocuSign Envelope ID: CA3D0FB5-EA46-4A80-8F79-334383A1C09A allt = Oo Ww 8 aco Hi jeff- Please sign and return to me. Also submit this to your case worker. Ken Douglas | Property Manager for Maplewood Court Yale Street Commons, Clinton Commons Connecticut Housing Partners] oe ne agen geen kdouglas@cthousingpar 91 Clinton Avenue BPT, CT 06605 Office 203-359-6940 Ext. 1752 Fax 866-273-4350 DOC022323-022 32023103950.p PDF poss natsaninsannninsanintite, sessetenees no enna ne { | Please confirm Signed Here you go! | receipt — EEEDocuSign Envelope ID: CA3D0FB5-EA46-4A80-8F79-334383A1C09A 4 : al prequalificationltr-evic... oy a aye sermon ponent £ ~ =Se "2 ee 9 s oe oe State of Connactit ~ Department of Housing ee. UniteCT Eviction Prevention Fund al Sree ts Saftamone Greer PRE-QUALIFICATION OF ELIGIBILITY Date Issued: 03/13/2023 Expiration Date: 04/13/2023 UniteCT Case Nuinber: 606233 Name of Applicant: Jeff Pierre- Charles Current Street Address: 91 Clinton Avenue City/Town: Bridgeport State CT : Zip Code: : 06605-1728 i Property Owner / Property Manager Name: : Clinton Commons Owners LLC You have applied to the UniteCT Eviction Prevention Fund for rental arrearage assistance. As part'ofthe application’ process, UniteCT has determined that you pre-qualify for rental arrearage* assistance based on a reviewof household income, previous UniteCT award, State of Connecticut Housing Session court documents, and tenant's self-reported current monthly rent. The appraval amount is subject fo change based on the Auditor's final review. Please note, the final awardwill not be approved until a Voluntary or Court Stipulated Agreement with the londlord nomed above is submitted and approved, tandlord and Tenants must come to an agreament to address any outstanding balance owed. UniteCT Eviction Prevention Funds can only pay arrearage toward rent/use and occupancy. The funds cannot be | used to pay fines/fees that may have been accrued on a tenant ledger. Ifa rental arrearage is greater than rmaxifauin available assistance, the balance may be written into a payment plan. UniteCT EFP cannot pay for rental arrearage prior to April 1, 2020. Please note that the UniteCT Eviction Prevention Fund Is unable to make payments to a landlord ifthe landlord hhas been identified as having committed UniteCT programmatic fraud. {n the event that a landlord has been associated with fraudulent activity, a tenant will be offered UniteCT Eviction Prevention Funds up to $3,000to pay for security deposit and 1* month's rent to move toa newapartment. Tenants who are subledsingare not eligible to participate in this program. You have pre-qualified for a maximum amount of assistance with a final award contingent upon the rental arrearage payment outlined in the Voluntary or Court Stipulated Agreement with the landlord named above, C1 Unitecr Eviction Prevention Fund assistance™*: $5000 1 Rent Bank of the Dept. of Housing assistance***; $0 Total Maximum Assistance ****: $5000 Please submit a copy of the Voluntary or Court-Stipulated Agreement to doh.eviction@ct.govby the expiration date listed above. ‘Only rental arrearage assistance wil be provided by this program. Property owner requiredto waive late fees. Allother fees are negotiable between the landiotd/tenant and will need to be’ addressed in voluntary or court-stipulated agreements, “The EPF can only be uséd to pay rent/useand dccupsncy fees zind cannotbe used to pay for any fines or fees, ‘**UoiteCT Eviction Prevention Fund cannot exceed $5000, Page of 2 2021222023 . jai i doit ti! it ‘++*Rent Bank cannot exceed $3,500. If UniteCT lifetime maximum assistance of either $15,000 01°12 months of assistance has been reached, applicant will only be eligible for up to $3,500 in rent arcearage assistance, + Total Maximum assistance from all sources cannot exceed $5,000, A tenant mast subralt a Voluntary or Court Mediated Agreement within 30 aysofthe date of this Cerificate of Ei ‘Agreement isnot submited within 60 61 tenn wl eo wo restart the application process or ddhsticionGist. gay to regis dh extesH Farina Uh 210-664-3714 Signature of Authorized Signatory [AGENCY staff Contact Number Case Auditor Farwa Ali Printed Name of Authorized AGENCY staff Title of Authorized SignatoryDocuSign Envelope ID: CASDOFBS-EAGE-4A80-9F79-33430001 COSA . a 7! < a D oce sess - ore 149-137.24.110 (Japan Osaka Meeting ID: 960 7101 2454 Passcode: 286891 Best, Berta. Holmes Director of Mediation Programs Homelessness Mitigation Mediation Project (HMMP) 203-582-7604 a ~ _EPFC nserit'to EPF Zoom Mediation Proto... _Protocols.pdf e PDF i PDF G Ken Douglas Apr 12 coe to Lenchantel, me, Georgina ~ Thank you, | will be there. ene a i | will not be will be there. | I 1 Confirmed! available. ~ © Be ul * anal o> fecwd :iDocuSign Envelope ID: CASDOFBS-EA46-4A80-8F 79-334383A1 COA : ao! x EPF Zoom Protocols.pdf & a Fe ee mm © Pe OES 2 7 I GES ENO ONLINEM1 LS ‘Technology Online Platform: Zoom, For our mediation session we will be meeting remotely by uit the a secure online leo coiiferéncing platform provided by Prior to ont first session you. agree to download any necessary software andor apps from Zoom to facilitate your participation in the online sessions. You will not rced to createa paid Zoom account ta participate but should {amiliarize yourself, if necessary, ith the basic oper ion ‘of the platform. so that you feel comfortable and can effectively participate in our m iation sessions. Zoom offers tutorials at dtp: ‘/ If the mediator has not opened the Zour link within § minutes of the scheduled time this could indicate, they-are having technical difficulties end the mediation may not take place and will need to be resehediiled. ‘The Participants understand that no software or video conferencing platform is completely secure, You hiave made your own inquiry asthe suitability and adequacy of Zoom for use inthis mediation, and of any risks in using Zoom, including any risks concemiing. its security. privacy or confidentiality, and consent to the-use of Zoom. The Mediator will not record any portion of our mediation sessions. The Pafticipants atso agree not to record any portion of the mediation sessions in any manner. This includes video.and audio. Sceure WiFi or Ethernet Connection, The Participants wil needa secure WiFi or Ethernet hade . wired) ‘connection for your-computer. Test the speed and dependability of your connection i BEFORE your mediation session by hosting a Zoom meeting by yourself or with another video conferencing platform. Unless you are familiar with and are able to utilize a secure VPN, DO NOT. use a public access WiFi connection, for example WiFi available in public spaces and businesses as they aré ol secure and your information may be at risk in those situations. Techinnlogy Failure Protocol. The Participaints ‘understand that despite our best efforts, technology may fail to aperate properly, and a mediation session may not start on time or may be interrupted. If that happens, please take the following steps: a, Call or text she mediator immediatelyto let us know you are having trouble, b. Conference Call: In the event that we cannot convene the mediation.via Zoom and the mediator is itot having technical difficulties, the mediator Wil issue instructions for ‘participants to join a conference call. c. Ifa confereice call is not feasible, the mediation will be canceled and rescheduled as soon as possible. . Privacy and Confidentiality. Only the people who have executed ttiese Online Me jiation Protocols and the attached Mediation Consent Agreement may participate in the mediation, You ‘must confirm that you are-alone in the room and that you cannot be Gverheard by anyone else around you. All participants and attendees in this mediation, including every person who may participate by telephone, video, e-mail, text, or other means, agree that all communications related. to the 3 L Leer ere noe va pene serene enn a os st " mediation, and all negotiations and settlement di ussions, communicated in medium, ie arid confidential: Mediation is a voluntary process for settlement negotiation that begins spon first commu fon with the mediator regarding p
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Aug 12, 2024 |S15 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Purchase Debt |FBT-CV24-6137066-S